Wineries for Climate Protection
What is it?
Wineries for Climate Protection is the first and only specific certification for the wine sector in terms of environmental sustainability. Its objective is to position itself as an international benchmark in the wine and environmental field, seeking solutions and best practices for wineries.
The WfCP initiative, developed by the Spanish Wine Federation (FEV), proposes a framework for wine producers who want to contribute to the fight against climate change by implementing sustainable practices and reducing their carbon footprint.
WfCP certification is aimed at the continuous improvement and sustainability of wineries, acting on four fundamental pillars: reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, water management, waste reduction and energy efficiency and renewable energies.
To be part of the initiative, wine producers must commit to implementing measures in these areas of work, and carry out an assessment of their carbon footprint.

Who is it for?
Wine producers who want to contribute to the fight against climate change.