ISO 14046 Water Footprint
What is it?
Water has become a precious commodity, so the right management of this resource will be of vital importance for all organizations, especially for those that are intensive in its use.
Calculating the water footprint makes it possible to quantify and report an organization's impact on water resources, their availability and their status throughout their life cycle.
ISO 14046 is based on all stages of the water life cycle, from the extraction of raw materials to the end of the product's useful life.
This standard provides a methodology for the assessment of the impact of water on an organization's water footprint, and establishes requirements for the interpretation and communication of the results.
ISO 14046 does not set requirements for water management per se, but focuses on the assessment of the impact of water on an organization's water footprint. Therefore, it can be used in conjunction with other standards and norms related to water management and sustainability.

Who is it for?
Principally to companies, organizations, industries, regulators, NGOs, consumers and the general public who are involved in water use and wish to assess and manage their water footprint in a more sustainable way.