What is it?
OCA GLOBAL, as an independent assessment body, performs a verification audit of the Statement of Non-Financial Information (EINF) indicators report in accordance with the requirements established by Law 11/2018(1). Since January 1, 2018, this law obliges companies and organizations to submit such a verified report together with their statement of accounts.
The Statement of Non-Financial Information indicators report collects information on activities with environmental, social (equality and non-discrimination plans, inclusion of people with disabilities and universal accessibility, etc.) or governance (criminal, tax, anti-corruption and anti-bribery compliance, etc.) impact.
Legal framework
Law 11/2018, of December 28, amending the Commercial Code, the revised text of the Capital Companies Act approved by Royal Legislative Decree 1/2010, of July 2, and Law 22/2015, of July 20, on Auditing of Accounts, on non-financial information and diversity.

Who is it for?
From January 2021, the obligation to submit the EINF will apply to companies with more than 250 employees that:
- Have the consideration of public interest entities in accordance with the legislation on auditing of accounts (with the exception of entities that have the qualification of small and medium-sized companies in accordance with Directive 34/2013).
- For two consecutive financial years they meet, at the closing date of each of them, at least one of the following circumstances:
- That the total asset items exceed €20 M.
- That the net amount of the annual turnover exceeds 40 M€.
It is also applicable to capital companies and companies that prepare consolidated accounts; and to those companies that, due to the requirements of their service or product distribution channel, are required to file the EINF.