CE Marking for Pressure Equipment
What is it?
CE Marking is a mandatory requirement for the placing on the market of pressure equipment and other units specified in the Pressure Equipment Directive subject to a maximum admissible pressure (PS) greater than 0.5 bar.
The manufacturer or his representative established in the European Union must certify, by his own means or through a Notified Body, that his products meet the essential safety requirements defined in annex I of the directive according to the conformity assessment procedures specified on it, taking into account the category of the equipment.
Legal framework
- The current Directive is 2014/68/EU which annuls and replaces Directive 97/23/CE since July 19, 2016.

Who is it for?
Compliance with the applicable directive, legislation, and standards is mandatory for pressure equipment manufacturers operating within the European Economic Area (EEA), as well as for all those commersialising within the EEA equipment manufactured in other countries.