OCA Global has obtained the approval of CERTIAEND to provide Non Destructive Testing courses, which comply with the UNE-EN ISO 9712 and UNE-CEN ISO/ TR 25107 standards and allow access to subsequent certification and qualification of personnel in the following Non Destructive Testing techniques:
- Visual Inspection Level 2 (direct access)
- Inspection by Penetrant Liquids Level 2 (direct access)
- Magnetic Particle Inspection Level 2 (direct access)
- Ultrasonic Inspection Level 1 and Level 2.
OCA Global has several approved training centers, whose course calendar can be consulted on our website. In addition, OCA Global offers the possibility of providing the courses in "In Company" mode, adapting to the needs of our clients and providing such training in their facilities or in the facilities of third parties, after evaluation of the same.
You can consult the Level 1 and 2 courses available at: https://ocaglobal.com/es/servicios/ensayos/cursos