A boiler is any pressurised appliance in which the heat coming from a source of energy is converted into usable energy, in the form of calories, through a means of transport in liquid phase or vapour.
This is applicable to boilers and their associated elements – economisers, superheaters, etc. –, excluding:
- Those integrated in power generation plants included in ITC EP-2.
- Those integrated in refineries and petrochemical plants included in ITC EP-3.
- Those steam and superheated water boilers classified in article 3.3 and on the category I of those specified in article 9 and annex II of Royal Decree 769/1999 on pressure equipment (PED 97/23/EC).
- Those hot water boilers for industrial use with Pms x VT < 10,000 [Pms = Maximum service pressure in the installation expressed in bar; VT = Total Volume of the boiler in litres], and those included in Royal Decree 1027/2007, which approves the Regulation of thermal installations in buildings (Reglamento de instalaciones térmicas en edificios (RITE)).
- Those of thermal fluid with Pms x Vi < 200 if Tms > 120 ºC, or with Pms x Vi < 2,000 if Tms <= 120 ºC [Pms = Maximum service pressure in the installation expressed in bar; Vi = Total volume of the installation in litres; Tms: Maximum service temperature].
Unlike what is required in level A, B, and C inspections, for equipment in general, particularly boilers, it is added: visual inspection prior to cleaning, visual inspection after cleaning, performance testing, and mandatory non-destructive tests.
Applicable regulation
- Royal Decree 2060/2008
- ITC EP-1