Water tightness test
Water tightness tests are carried out in tanks for the storage of petroleum products – it is performed on tanks with product on their interior. In the system used for the verification of the tightness, the SDF-01 equipment is used as it guarantees the detection of a 100 ml/h leak.
The preparation of the tests and the handling of the tanks will be carried out by a duly registered maintenance company, but OCA Global cannot intervene in this phase.
On the other hand, the management of the equipment, the execution of the test, the evaluation of results, and the issuance of the corresponding certificate are carried out by OCA Global technical personnel, who are duly qualified and in possession of the accrediting certificate.
Applicable regulation
- Regulated by the Regulation of oil installations.
- Royal Decree 2085/1994
- ITC-MI-IP-02
- TC-MI-IP-03
- ITC-MI-IP-04