Evaluation of ATEX risk areas
The Royal Decree 681/2003, transposition of the European Directive 1999/92/CE, is the regulation that affects places where substances susceptible to generate an explosive atmosphere are used or stored. In case of being affected, it is the obligation of the Employer to evaluate and control the specific risks of Explosive Atmospheres (ATEX) that can be generated in its facilities, taking into account:
- The probability of formation and duration of explosive atmospheres.
- The probability of the presence and activation of ignition sources, including electrostatic discharges.
- The installations, the substances used, the industrial processes and their possible interactions.
- The proportions of foreseeable effects.
Whenever flammable substances exist in the company in the form of gas, vapor, mist or dust and can mix with the air in dangerous quantities, there is a risk of explosion and it is therefore necessary that this risk be evaluated and controlled.