ISO 22000 Food Safety
What is it?
The market demands a greater simplification in terms of food safety certification, which is why we tend to unify the criteria the different agents in the agri-food market require, such as large corporations and distributors of food products. The ISO 22000 standard appeared in 2005, and it did so with the aim of simplifying food safety criteria to ensure the safety of food throughout the entire food chain; that is, from its manipulation by farmers to the final point of sale.
This standard defines the requirements related to the management of food safety for companies that have the need to reach levels of safety above the average such as producers of animal feed, transporters or organisations connected with the food chain, among others. ISO 22000 is the standard that covers and unites the needs of the market and consumers expectations internationally.
Legal framework
- ISO 22000 Food Safety Management.

Who is it for?
The standard is addressed to all companies involved in the food chain:
- Animal feed producers.
- Primary producers.
- Food processors.
- Carriers.
- Warehouse operators and subcontractors, retail and food service distribution stores.
- Organisations interrelated with the food chain: producers of equipment, packaging material, cleaning agents, additives, etc.