UNE-EN 13816
What is it?
The UNE-EN 13816 standard for Public Passenger Transport includes the guidelines to be followed by the operators of road passenger transport with the aim of assuming quality commitments in the provision of the services.
Quality commitments are aimed at satisfying customer expectations. These commitments apply to all modes of transport by road (urban, school, discretionary, regular and special bus) and rail transport (metropolitan, suburban, tram, light rail, long distance, funicular, etc.), and include aspects such as: time, comfort, customer information, accessibility and security conditions, definition of the service offered, customer service, and environmental impact.
Legal framework
- UNE-EN 13816 for Public Passenger Transport.

Who is it for?
UNE-EN 13816 is aimed at concession, public, and road passenger transport companies, although it also applies to rail passenger transport companies.
The certification of road passenger transport can be integrated into other management systems such as quality management (UNE-EN ISO 9001), environmental management (UNE-EN ISO 14001), occupational safety management (OSHAS 18001), and ISO 45001 standards.