UNE-EN 1176-7
What is it?
UNE-EN 1176-7 Playground Equipment and Surfacing contains the recommendations related to the installation, inspection, maintenance, and operations of the equipment on play areas for children.
Children’s playgrounds are defined as outdoor spaces containing equipment specifically designed for children that must be properly separated from road traffic, by a minimum distance of thirty meters or through separation by natural or artificial means, which protects children from the dangers derived from an immediate access to the sidewalk.
With its application, the standard provides the security and appropriate actions for the design and execution of playgrounds for children, and establishes routine maintenance conditions and corrective maintenance actions to restore the necessary levels of safety.
Legal framework
- UNE-EN 1176-7: 2009 Playground Equipment and Surfacing. Part 7: Guide on Installation, Inspection, Maintenance, and Operation.

Who is it for?
It is aimed at all managers and maintainers of public playgrounds, to those of private ownership but collective use, as well as to all companies that manufacture, distribute, or install playgrounds.
This certification can be easily integrated into other management systems, such as, for example, the quality management UNE-EN ISO 9001 standard.