UNE 58451
What is it?
The UNE 58451 standard establishes the requirements to provide industrial truck operators with the skills to drive, use, and safely handle industrial trucks up to 10,000 kg.
A framework of reference is established for training companies to ensure that the objectives and the degree of performance necessary in the management of the aforementioned trucks are achieved. The necessary resources (infrastructure, training requirements, content, etc.) are also detailed within the standard to ensure the quality of the actions – where we can also find the criteria for the programming, delivery, and evaluation of the courses, among other details.
Legal framework
- UNE 58451: 2016 Training for Operators of Industrial Trucks up to 10,000 kg.

Who is it for?
It is aimed at specialised training companies in the sector of maintenance services and prevention of occupational risks that want to certify the quality of their actions. By doing so, they will have a structured scheme that allows them to distinguish their services from those offered by other companies.