DUROC - PAED Labeling
What is it?
PAED is owned by the National Association of Pig Livestock Producers (ANPROGAPOR), the National Association of Select Pork Breeders (ANPS) and the Business Federation of Meat and Meat Industries (FECIC).
OCA Global’s function is to carry out the control as an external entity, which guarantees that the meat and meat derivatives that include the Duroc mention comply with the current labeling legislation and with the requirements of this program. The control is carried out by evaluating the labeling, where the mention "Duroc" must indicate its racial %. For this, the reproducers and / or genetic material that are going to give rise to the products that can be labeled as "Duroc", as well as the traceability in each of the links, are taken into account.
In order to use the Duroc mention, at least one of the parents must be a purebred Duroc registered in an officially recognized genealogical book or register. In the event that it is not 100% Duroc, but only one of the parents is registered in an officially recognized herd book or genealogical record, the name accepted on the label will be 50% Duroc.

Who is it for?
This product is aimed at all those producers (cooperatives, integrators, etc.) who work in the pork meat production sector with “Duroc” genetics and want to certify their products with the PAED-DUROC mark.