Calitax label
What is it?
The CALITAX label is the hallmark OCA Global awards to companies that wish to distinguish the value and quality of their products with a recognised certification of international dimension.
For the certification of the diverse agri-food products, the corresponding technical documents are available, which help define the specifications or requirements of regulatory nature that the product must comply with, as well as the differential characteristics that the added value really implies.
In the specific case of agri-food products, technical documents contain, as appropriate, requirements relating to variety, species or breed, geographical location, raw materials, production methods, physical-chemical characteristics, labelling and packaging, conservation and transport, control methods, hygiene and handling measures, and in the part that corresponds, the quality management system of the company, the food safety management system, and the self-assessment plan.
OCA Global carries out periodic visits during the course of the year in accordance with the provisions of the reference control program – technical visits to manufacturing or production facilities, food quality controls, controls of certain product characteristics (physical-chemical, bacteriological, organoleptic, etc.), as well as in-store controls of the products.
The CALITAX label can be used broadly: on the product, on the label or packaging, in the dissemination or information materials, and through the media. The consumer can find the CALITAX logo, precisely when he makes his final purchase decision at the points of sale.

Who is it for?
The CALITAX label for agri-food product certification was implemented in 1963. Since then, this certification has attracted extensive recognition and is very common in the agricultural, livestock, and food industry in general, to which it is specially directed.