Animal feed
What is it?
It is a certification system for companies that produce compound feed for animals.
This certification includes the requirements of a quality management and food safety system (system reviews, internal audits, documentation control, personnel training, non-conforming product management, corrective actions, maintenance of facilities and equipment, etc.), as well as various specific requirements of the sector and the manufactured product such as:
- Self-monitoring and analysis of raw materials.
- Control of undesirable substances.
- Management of manufacturing formulas.
- Manufacturing process in each of its phases: grinding, dosing, mixing, final processing, storage, shipment and transport.
- Self-monitoring and performance of final feed analytics.
- Cross-contamination control.
Once this certification is obtained, the logo or certificate label can be used on the product: labels, packaging material, delivery notes, etc.
Legal framework
- Reglamento General de la Marca de Garantía. RG/01/ Reglamento Técnico de la Marca de Garantía Piensos. RT/01La. This regulation has been developed by the Spanish Confederation of Manufacturers of Compound Foods for Animals (CESFAC). This Regulation is recognized by ENAC and requires certification bodies to be accredited.
- OCA Global has accreditation No. 11/C-PR228, granted by ENAC for the certification Guarantee Mark-Certified Animal Feed, which has international recognition.

Who is it for?
This certification is specific for companies that produce compound feed for animals.