AFP antibiotic free program
What is it?
This program aims to provide security to the links in the production chain after the farms and to the final consumer, regarding the non-application of antibiotics to the animals in a given period prior to slaughter.
The present production program aims to satisfy the demand of a sector of consumers concerned about the responsible and sustainable use of antibiotics in animal production. This program helps in the objective of reducing and, as far as possible, eliminating the use of antibiotics, always safeguarding compliance with animal welfare standards. This distinctive gives the possibility of having a differentiated offer of products in the market.
You can choose the following scopes on farms:
- Transitional pig farms (weaning) and fattening. It ranges from 42 days of life of the pig to its departure to the slaughterhouse for slaughter (AFP + 42).
- Pig farms for fattening. It includes from the entrance of the piglets (transition exit, with about 16 - 20 kg of live weight) until their exit to the slaughterhouse for slaughter.
- Poultry farms. It includes from the entrance of the birds to the fattening sheds (1 day of life) until slaughter.
The scope includes the phases of slaughter, cutting and processing of meat until its final dispatch to industrial companies, retailers or final consumers.
In order to obtain the certificate, it is necessary to comply with the requirements established in the Technical Document, which include aspects such as feeding control, correct veterinary management and traceability throughout the entire supply chain.

Who is it for?
This product is aimed at all those livestock producers who comply with the conditions of not supplying antibiotics to their animals from 42 days of life or from the moment the animal enters the fattening farms.