UNE-EN 158000
What is it?
The UNE 158000 family of standards includes those related to the quality of service provided in:
- UNE 158101: Residential Centres
- UNE 158201: Day/Night Centres
- UNE 158301: Home Help Services
- UNE 158401: Teleassistance
These standards contain the requirements that allow the quality management on the services attending to the management of:
- Facilities
- Equipment
- Provision of the service
- Hiring services
- Information and communication of users
- Hygiene-sanitary and psychosocial care protocols
- Human Resources
Through this family of standards, the satisfaction of users in a situation of dependency is guaranteed, but also the satisfaction of their families and the Public Administration, as well as the fulfilment of the legal requirements when these are applicable.
The certification demonstrates a more efficient management of the services, ensuring the quality and levels of compliance through the use and evaluation of the management indicators associated with the processes.
Legal framework
- UNE-EN 158000 family standards: UNE 158101 Residential Centres, UNE 158201 Day/Night Centres, UNE 158301 Home Help Services, and UNE 158401 Teleassistance.

Who is it for?
The standards are aimed at organisations (public or private) in charge of residential centres, day/night centres, home help, and assistance services.