UNE 58923
What is it?
The UNE 58923:2014 standard establishes the minimum requirements that must be met in order to provide operators of mobile elevating platforms with the necessary tools for the conduction, use, and safe handling of Mobile Elevating Work Platforms (MEWP).
This standard establishes a reference framework for training companies that guarantees the accomplishment of the objectives and the degree of performance necessary for the handling of these elevating platforms. The necessary resources (infrastructure, training requirements, content, etc.) are also detailed within the standard to ensure the quality of the actions – where we can also find the criteria for the programming, delivery, and evaluation of the courses, among other details. In addition, it establishes the operator training procedure taking into account the different groups and types of MEWP according to the classification UNE-EN 280.
This standard allows training companies of MEWP operators to have a very useful tool for the management of courses, right from the commercial phase to the issuance of operator certificates.

Who is it for?
It is aimed at specialised training companies and prevention of occupational risks organisations that want to certify the quality of their actions. By doing so, they will have a structured scheme that allows them to distinguish their services from those offered by other companies.