SGE 21
What is it?
It is the first European standard that allows companies to implement, audit, and certify an Ethical and Socially Responsible Management System. It is a key tool for the integration of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) aspects in the management of companies and organisations of all types. The certification develops the requirements that allow establishing, implementing, and evaluating the Ethical and Socially Responsible Management System in organisations and companies.
SGE 21 proposes a logical and clear structure on how to address CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) integrally in the organisation, involving the different areas and coordinating the resources and actions to be developed. It allows, on the one hand, to arrange and consider the different internal initiatives implemented and, on the other, to establish a roadmap to improve CSR performance.
SGE 21 participates in the approach of traditional management systems with regard to quality, environment or health, and safety, allowing joint audits. In addition, it presents a clear correspondence with the main transparency and reporting frameworks to maximize synergies. The standard is also aligned with the latest social, environmental, and good governance trends at global level, so it guarantees the users of the standard its consistency regarding sustainability challenges and opportunities.
As for its structure, it consists of six chapters. The first five explain the background and general aspects of the document; chapter six is the one that develops the requirements of the standard and, therefore, is the one on which both the implementation and the audit of the organisation to be evaluated will be based. This chapter is broken down into nine areas of management that establish the requirements that are considered adequate to demonstrate the evidence of its implementation – governance of the organisation, people who make up the organisation, customers, suppliers and supply chain, social environment and impact on the community, environment, investors, competence, and Public Administrations.
Legal framework
- Standard SGE 21, Ethical and Socially Responsible Management System reference for companies and organisations as proposed by Forética.

Who is it for?
The SGE 21 standard is designed to adapt to all types of organisations and companies; from micro-SMEs to large multinationals, as well as third-sector or academic entities.