We participated in the scheduled shutdowns of Repsol's A Coruña Refinery.

During 2021 and 2022, OCA Global participated in the scheduled shutdowns of the A Coruña refinery as part of the inspection framework contract signed with Repsol.
In the 2021 shutdown, energy efficiency improvement and maintenance work was carried out in four units of its Fuels area: Crude 1 (plant where crude is fractionated, by distillation, into different products); HDS 2 (desulfurizer for commercial gas oils); Aminas 3 (recovers the sulfur removed in the desulfurizer) and PRA 3 (Sulfur Recovery Plant, where it is converted into a commercial product).
Repsol earmarked 20 million euros for this shutdown, of which 9 million were used for 25 new investments and 11 million for unit maintenance. For this outage, OCA Global assigned a total of 63 technicians for approximately 22 days of work.
In the 2022 shutdown, work was carried out on four units in the Conversion area of the Industrial Complex, which are responsible for the fuel treatment process to eliminate sulfur. The planned improvements were aimed at maintaining and improving the reliability of these plants, achieving, in turn, increasingly environmentally friendly fuels in the refinery's production. Repsol has allocated approximately 10 million euros, of which 3.6 million have been used for new investments and 6.1 million for the maintenance and overhaul of the units. For this shutdown, OCA Global assigned a total of 61 technicians for approximately 20 days of work.
During these shutdowns, different services were provided: regulatory inspections of pressure equipment, conventional non-destructive testing using ultrasonic techniques, penetrant liquids, visual inspection, thickness measurement, etc., as well as other more special services: ultrasonic inspection using TOFD and Phased Array, induced currents in heat exchangers, hydrogen attack detection, positive identification of materials and metallographic analysis, among others.
These actions are part of OCA Global's policy of giving continuity to our presence in Non Destructive Testing, Supervision and Technical Assistance in the Petrochemical Sector, offering a service based on quality, agility of response, use of new technologies and training of our personnel.
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