Technical Advisory Services for 800 MWe CSP and PV Noor Midelt 1 Project

Technical Advisory (TA) services for the 800 MWe CSP + PV Noor Midelt 1 project in Midelt (Morocco).
Technical Advisory Services for the technical due diligence required for bid preparation, closing of the project financing package, project supervision during the construction phase, and supervision and evaluation of the completion tests and to provide follow-up services during the operation period. For the first power plant of the Noor Midelt 1 project, consisting of a hybrid photovoltaic installation (500 MW equipped with 12 MW batteries) and a concentrated thermodynamic solar power (CSP) plant allowing energy storage using molten salts with a capacity of 190 MW.
enamiento de energía mediante sales fundidas con una capacidad de 190 MW.
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