This contract, developed by OCA Global Chile, focuses on providing inspection services to support Anglo American's Symptomatic Maintenance Department. In order to offer a comprehensive service, inspections will be carried out by means of non-destructive testing, using ultrasound, penetrant inks and magnetic particles, among other techniques.
OCA Global's objective is to provide a quality service to increase the reliability of the equipment and facilities in the different areas of the Los Bronces and Las Tórtolas operation.
The main equipment and elements to be inspected are: Structural, castings, welds, transmissions, shafts, thicknesses and others.
For these inspections, non-destructive testing standards will be applied to determine the condition of the components to be tested, such as ASTM, AWS, API, ASME and Nch, among others.
Anglo American is a leading global mining company that provides many of the metals and minerals that make a cleaner, greener and more sustainable world possible, meeting the growing daily demands of billions of consumers.