We support GIZ in the legal, institutional and private sector assessment for the improvement of quality infrastructure in CEFTA countries
OCA Global's Consulting Division is leading the implementation of the GIZ-funded project to improve the capacities of quality infrastructure institutions, through regional cooperation for the preparation of Mutual Recognition Protocols, for the electrical products and machinery sector within CEFTA (the Central European Free Trade Agreement, an international trade agreement between countries located mainly in Southeast Europe).
The project, which has started in August 2022, aims to improve the capabilities of quality infrastructure institutions to establish a reliable and fully aligned quality system (standardization, conformity assessment, accreditation (accreditation of conformity assessment bodies, notified bodies, market surveillance for products and legal metrology) and to enable them to perform their services in the selected sectors (electrical products and machinery).
OCA Global's Consulting Division will specifically support the GIZ technical team by conducting a legal, institutional and private sector assessment for the improvement of quality infrastructure and harmonization of standards for electrical products and machinery in CEFTA countries, and provide recommendations for alignment with the EU acquis; developing methodology and action plan to strengthen the capacities of quality infrastructure institutions in CEFTA countries, to ensure compliance with relevant EU requirements and standards; developing a technical annex for electrical products and machinery in CEFTA countries, and providing recommendations for alignment with the EU acquis; developing a technical annex for electrical products and machinery in CEFTA countries, to ensure compliance with relevant EU requirements and standards; developing a technical annex for machinery and electrical products to the Mutual Recognition Protocol, and developing guidelines for the recognition of conformity assessment procedures, designation of conformity assessment bodies and confirmation of compliance of manufacturing facilities for the purpose of compliance with the Protocol for machinery and electrical products.