Alborán Formación is a seven-year-old project from Almeria whose expansion has seen the opening of other offices in different parts of Andalusia such as Seville, Córdoba and Jaén, as well as in the capital city of Madrid.
It is an Andalusian and also a national reference in vocational training for employment that offers training programs in the classroom and e-learning modalities. Its training actions are aimed at both unemployed and active workers, and they are accredited by the State Public Employment Service (Servicio Público de Empleo Estatal), the Community of Madrid and the Regional Government of Andalusia.
OCA Global has delivered two Quality and Environmental plaques that recognize the good work, growth and remarkable expansion experienced by the company Alborán Formación.
It was the company's manager, Mr. Miguel Ángel González, who collected the ISO 9001 and 14001 certifications that have been awarded for the control over the processes of organization and delivery of training for employment, occupational and continuous training in the classroom and tele-training modalities. "This is a way for an external entity to recognize our quality and our efforts", said González, who received the plaques from a team headed by the general manager of the Certification Division, Mr. David Lao, who was also accompanied by the Director of Operations in Andalusia, Mr. Raúl Mesa, the Head of Tourism Quality and Environment, Mr. Pablo Escribano, the Delegate in Andalusia, Mr. Juan F. Sánchez, and the Chief Auditor, Mr. David Ramírez.