OCA Global started last November the implementation of a new project for the review, evaluation and support of different projects related to district heating systems in several cities in Romania and Croatia.
The project is financed by the European Investment Bank (EIB) and will be implemented exclusively by OCA Global over the next two years. OCA Global will work together with the EIB team and different municipalities in the target countries to carry out a critical review of the documentation related to different district heating network improvement projects.
The project will act on the district heating networks of Bucharest, Zagreb and six other Croatian cities. First, a general analysis of the current state of the networks will be carried out, then the documentation for the improvement projects will be analyzed (feasibility studies, economic analysis, financing requests, etc.) and, finally, an evaluation of this documentation and the state of the projects will be carried out.
District heating systems generate heat from a central heating plant and distribute it through a district heating network, which is widely used in Eastern Europe. The rehabilitation of such networks and the improvement of energy efficiency are two of the key objectives of this project.