OCA Global has left its mark on the mural "Les Rivages de Almuñécar", located in Velilla Sexitana Beach; considered the largest in Europe for its more than 6,000 meters.
From the early stages of the mural, OCA Global was actively involved in the planning and design, ensuring that appropriate safety measures were implemented. Its meticulous approach was reflected in regular on-site inspections, verifying compliance with regulations and providing recommendations for improving working conditions.
The company also provided safety and health education and training for the artists and workers involved. This enabled them to be aware of potential risks and take preventive measures at all times. OCA Global's reputation as a leader in occupational health and safety was reflected in the confidence and peace of mind it provided to the project participants. Its commitment to the integrity and well-being of the workers translated into an environment conducive to the creativity and success of the future mural.