GLOBAL COFFEE INDUSTRIES, S.A. obtains the certification in sustainability according to the UNE-EN ISO 14001:2015 standard by OCA GLOBAL under the scope of certification "roasting, roasting and packaging of coffee".
The facilities located in Seville are one of the most modern facilities in Europe with a production capacity of more than 67,000 t/year working for leading coffee brands such as CATUNAMBÚ®, KALAHARI, cafèCivit, Orígenes, Six Four Coffee, among others.
Pictured are: Mr. Miguel García (TU-ENTORNO Technical Consultant), Mr. Raúl Mesa (OCA GLOBAL Andalusia Operations Manager), Mr. Álvaro Martín (GLOBAL COFFEE Sustainability Manager), Mr. David Lao (OCA GLOBAL General Manager), Mr. Daniel Castañeda (TU-ENTORNO General Manager) and Mr. Pablo Escribano (OCA GLOBAL Environmental Technical Manager).