Rota Naval Base, after annual audit with OCA Global has renewed its ISO 14001 certification for quality in environmental management.
In accordance with the Navy's environmental policy, the Rota Naval Base maintains a constant effort in environmental matters, following the policy of the Ministry of Defense regarding conservation and protection of the environment and based on the concept of sustainable development, ensuring that technological development is compatible with respect for nature and efficiency in environmental management.
Examples of the actions carried out at the Base in this area are: the prevention and fight against environmental pollution through the implementation of measures to minimize spills, implementation of plans to reduce the use of natural resources, control of atmospheric pollution, improvement of energy efficiency through investment in renewable energies and the control and evaluation of the different impacts on nature of the different military activities carried out at its facilities.
In addition to the protection of the fauna and flora on the Base grounds, we must mention the programs for the protection of species such as the mallard duck, the conservation of cetaceans, the protection of the breeding areas of the kentish plover on its beaches, the protection of the habitat of the chameleon (chamaleo chamaleon), a regular resident of our facilities and the object of special attention since 2010, when a collaboration project was signed with the Junta de Andalucía for the conservation of the chameleon, the protection of the habitat of the chameleon (chamaleo chamaleon), a regular resident of our facilities and object of special attention since 2010 when the collaboration project was signed with the Junta de Andalucía for the conservation and improvement of its populations and habitats in the base area.