OCA Global and the University of Granada reinforce their collaboration for the evaluation of R&D&I projects
OCA Global, an accredited entity for the certification of R&D&I projects, and the Office for the Transfer of Research Results (OTRI) of the University of Granada (UGR), within the framework of the Collaboration Agreement signed between both entities, held last April 9, at the Technology Transfer Center of the UGR (CTT), a Conference on Evaluation and Certification of R&D&I Projects addressed to the teaching staff of the UGR with the aim of explaining the procedure for the evaluation of an R&D&I project within the framework of OCA Global, as well as the requirements to be part of the portfolio of evaluators of this company.
The Conference held at the UGR on Evaluation and Certification of R+D+i Projects is an initiative of the company OCA Global and OTRI UGR in the framework of the Collaboration Agreement signed between the two entities in 2014, which was renewed yesterday taking advantage of the visit to the UGR of the Director of R+D+i of OCA Global, Juan Casado, on the occasion of the celebration of the Conference.
The purpose of the Collaboration Agreement signed is the contracting, by OCA Global, of the services of academic experts from the UGR to carry out technical evaluations of R&D&I projects of companies, with a view to their subsequent certification and corresponding tax deduct
A total of 24 UGR researchers, experts in different scientific disciplines, participated in the Conference on Evaluation and Certification of R&D&I Projects, with the aim of becoming part of the OCA Global portfolio of evaluators. During the conference, Juan Casado explained to the attendees the regulatory framework of the certification process of R+D+i projects, the requirements to be an OCA Global evaluator and the evaluation procedure of a project.
Through both initiatives, Collaboration Agreement and Conference on Evaluation and Certification of R&D&I Projects, the aim is to intensify the relationship between both entities, and with it, the participation of UGR researchers in the certification processes of R&D&I projects of OCA Global.