Nascor will ensure the safety of women and the LGTBI community at night in Barcelona
Nascor Formación will be part of the change in Barcelona with the project of awareness, prevention and attention to male and LGTBI-phobic violence in the nightlife environment of the city. The project will be focused mainly in the district of San Martí and with sustainable public procurement measures.
The plan, promoted by the Barcelona City Council, aims to ensure non-discrimination and respect for sexual and gender diversity in all areas of the city. It also aims to facilitate the identification of risk factors for prevention, advise and inform on protocols for action in case of LGTBI-phobic situations or gender violence, and provide accompaniment to people who require it.
The actions to be carried out are:
In collaboration with the city's security agencies, Nascor will locate the "Puntos Lilas". The "Puntos Lilas" are information and support points for victims of gender-based and LGTBI-phobic violence, providing them with a safe space to go to. These will be arranged in the areas with the greatest need in the district of Sant Martí according to the statistics of previous cases.
Equality training for employees of nightlife venues in the most popular area of the district of Sant Martí. Professionals in the field of Equality will advise on the protocol for action in situations of gender violence and how to prevent them.