By the end of 2021 and in the first half of 2022, Nascor Formación has collaborated with different companies for the elaboration and implementation of their Equality Plans. In accordance with the new applicable regulations, Royal Decree 901/2020, of October 13, regulating equality plans and their registration, and Royal Decree 902/2020, of October 13, on equal pay for women and men, OCA Global's training division assists its clients in all phases of the project.
Specifically, Nascor Training prepares a complete diagnosis in which it analyzes the current situation in terms of Equality in the company, focusing on the characteristics of the people who make up the workforce, gender, age, dependents, seniority, type of contract, working day, etc. It also carries out surveys to study people's opinions, analysis of corporate documents, egalitarian language, working conditions and people management, non-discrimination based on gender, race or religion, conciliation and co-responsibility, harassment plan, etc. and the implementation of the Job Evaluation System and the Remuneration Audit.
There are already many companies, such as Frigorífics Costa Brava and Aszende, which trust Nascor to carry out their adaptation to the new regulations and the social reality regarding equality between women and men in the professional environment.