Last November, our Certification division delivered several certificates to Grupo Taprega.
Taprega is a Galician company that in less than 20 years has positioned itself among the top 25 Occupational Risk Prevention (ORP) companies in Spain. Thanks to overcoming the respective audits and its commitment to quality, it now has three ISO labels:
- ISO 9001 of Quality Management: internationally recognized standard and one of the most demanded worldwide, as it guarantees that the certified company offers services and products of consistent quality. To achieve this, a review of compliance with the legislation applicable to the company's sector and activity is carried out.
- ISO 27001 de Security information: ensures the management and protection of the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information, media and equipment used in an organization.
- ISO 45001 of Safety at Work:requirements related to occupational safety and management systems based on the PDCA cycle "Plan, Do, Check, Act". It is useful for establishing a safety and health management system in the workplace, as well as implementing, maintaining and continuously improving this area.
At OCA Global we specialize in offering customized solutions and we are accredited by the Entidad Nacional de Acreditación (ENAC) to certify different products, systems and sectors