OCA Global will support the strengthening of the energy sector in the eleven smaller Pacific Island countries through a Transaction-based Technical Assistance mechanism. These lands are heavily dependent on imported fossil fuels for energy and transport; they are also suffering extensively from the consequences of climate change and extreme geophysical and weather events, which pose additional threats to their fragile economies and hinder existing development challenges.
The project aims to help these regions achieve ambitious renewable energy targets, reduce dependence on diesel, reduce power generation costs and put downward pressure on tariffs, avoid greenhouse gas emissions, and build institutional capacity. The project will include the development of the floating solar energy roadmap and project pipeline for the development of the emerging solar energy application known as floating solar photovoltaic (FPV) technology.
Our team's Technical Assistance will support the objectives, outcomes and priorities of the Pacific Renewable Energy Investment Facility and will follow its programmatic approach and streamlined management procedures. Similarly, the implementation of this project will support the ADB Strategy 2030 and the Pacific Approach. This Technical Assistance will be developed through three components:
- La evaluación del potencial teórico y técnico de la energía solar flotante en la región del Pacífico, el desarrollo de la hoja de ruta de la energía solar flotante y la cartera de proyectos.
- Los análisis de las estructuras tarifarias y las recomendaciones para los modelos de negocio.
- Un desarrollo de la capacidad institucional para todas las partes interesadas, incluyendo el apoyo a las inversiones del sector privado.