In July 2020, the European Council approved the Next Generation Funds, an exceptional instrument for economic and social recovery in the immediate aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic. These funds, distributed among the Member States, are based on two main elements: the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism (RRM) and the REACT-EU Fund, whose objective is none other than sustainable recovery through digitization, the green economy, equality and social and territorial cohesion.
The autonomous communities, responsible for managing the corresponding funds, have destined part of these funds to Vocational Training for Employment. In our case, Nascor Formación has been the beneficiary of the management of a package of training actions with a total of almost 900,000 euros and more than 1,800 students. All these training actions are focused on digitalization, ecology and people care.
Specifically, OCA Global's training division has been awarded €617,048.45 from the REACT-EU Fund, whose objective is the requalification of employed and unemployed people. With this call Nascor will carry out 46 courses and certificates and will train 1,217 people in its delegations in Catalonia and Aragon.
It has also been the beneficiary of €172,120 from the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism (RRM). This package of training actions is aimed at improving the digital skills of unemployed women living in rural populations of less than 30,000 inhabitants, in our case, in Aragon and Catalonia. Both delegations will manage 13 courses and will train 520 students.
Finally, in relation to the Next Generation-EU funds, Nascor will manage part of the + Talent program, a project promoted by the SOC of Catalonia whose objective is to cover the training needs of university students in the digital, green economy and people care fields. These training actions have, in most cases, levels 4 and 5, a novelty in the history of Vocational Training for Employment. Framed in this program, Nascor will launch 6 training actions, with places for 200 people and will work for a total subsidy of 91,722 €.