Fundación Cruzcampowas created in 1995 to back up the social commitment of Cruzcampo with society, especially promoting the economic and social development of Andalusia. Thanks to the support of Heineken España, this foundation contributes to society by promoting youth employment through two main lines of action: fostering talent and promoting beer culture.
Since its creation, the Cruzcampo Foundation has been organizing programs and experiences to support young people in improving their employability, especially by promoting training in the hospitality industry.
In this sense, the Escuela de Hostelería - Fundación Cruzcampoplays a leading role and faces the challenge of training young people and hoteliers in the new skills that the sector needs to respond to current challenges: digitalization, new communication channels, the dynamization of consumption and safe leisure, care for the environment, etc. Examples of this are the social program Talento Cruzcampo and the Aula Abierta training portal, both launched to boost the hospitality industry in the face of the Covid-19 crisis.
With its new headquarters Factoría Cruzcampo, the foundation recovers part of Andalusia's industrial heritage and once again brews beer in the place where the first Cruzcampo was born. This space opens the iconic original brewery in Seville to visitors interested in enjoying experiences around beer, involving them in its social action through direct participation in the training of young people who live in the space and raising funds for its social programs.
In addition, the Cruzcampo Foundation is a member of the Asociación Española de Fundaciones (AEF) and Asociación de Fundaciones Andaluzas (AFA).
OCA Global's role has been to certify its Quality Management System based on ISO 9001 under the scope "Execution and delivery of training services in the private sector”, with excellent results.