Royal Decree 470/2021, which approves the Structural Code, requires an environmental certification in accordance with the UNE-EN ISO 14001 standard for construction companies in charge of carrying out the deconstruction of concrete structures.
In chapter 16, there are 2 articles (art. 77 and art. 78) in which the responsibilities and obligations of the structure's owner and of the companies in charge of the deconstruction of the structure are developed. Thus, this article is aligned with the environmental awareness that has wanted to put in the regulatory framework of the execution of the structures and the commitment to the sustainability of the same; attending to the mandate of the Law 2/2011, of March 4, of Sustainable Economy.
In addition, the project must include specific measures aimed at optimizing the reuse and recycling of the existing structure. To this end, it must also include:
- Identification of potentially reusable structural elements,
- Identification of the types and quantities of waste generated by the demolition, with special attention to hazardous waste,
- Elaboration of a waste management study containing the foreseen destinations for the waste generated,
- Elaboration of a management plan for the waste generated by demolition, aimed at its recycling.
OCA Global, as an entity accredited by ENAC to issue ISO 14001 certification, has adapted its certification processes to other certification requirements related to sustainability such as carbon footprint, water footprint, etc. or verification processes of the EMAS Regulation, development of the principle of not causing significant damage to the environment, etc.