One of the best tools to achieve progress in organizations in the area of sustainability is the implementation of the scheme ODS Corporate Green Sustainable Company, created by OCA Global. It is a certificate based on compliance with the following standards Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the Agenda 2030, developed based on the guidelines of the UN Global Compact Principles Naciones Unidas and Guía para la acción empresarial SDG Compass.
The first company to receive this certification from our Certification team has been Patatas Meléndez, leader in the fresh potato sector. Patatas Meléndez has aligned the company's strategies with the most important SDGs in its activity, evaluating the degree of sustainability and acquiring a commitment to work on them. Thus, it has implemented a series of actions that contribute to the achievement of various SDGs and OCA Global has been in charge of their verification.
At OCA Global we firmly believe that this new certification is crucial to help companies move in the right direction in terms of sustainability and reduce their environmental impact. Our team helps companies to identify the most relevant SDGs in their sector in order to ensure compliance. This is a sure bet for the future from which any type of company or organization can benefit..