In collaboration with OCA Global, Contredi has developed a new quality control model for appraisals, with the aim of standardizing, simplifying, homogenizing and even reducing costs in the follow-up of appraisals.
The audit process includes the appointment of a Chief Auditor by OCA Global, in charge of the control of the Quality Management Systems of the processes, and a technical auditor assigned by QUACO RE for the Quality Control of the Appraisal Reports carried out.
We hope that this new certification will mark a significant change in the real estate appraisal sector, providing transparency, efficiency and quality to all the actors involved.
The presentation of the certificate took place on April 5 and was attended by David Lao, Certification Director of OCA Global, Xoán Inocencio Vidal, Managing Director of Contredi and José Antonio Muro, CEO of Grupo Tecnitasa.