Forética is a Spanish non-profit association whose purpose is to promote a culture of ethical and socially responsible management in organizations. In other words, it seeks to integrate social, environmental and good governance aspects into the strategy and management of companies and organizations.
Currently, Forética has more than 230 members and is the only representative in Spain of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development.
Last December saw the renewal of the presidency of Forética and the appointment of a new Executive Committee to provide strategic support. This new Committee for the 2019-2020 period will be made up of members from companies such as BMW España, IKEA Ibérica and Endesa.
The General Assembly of Forética's members was also held, where the new Board of Directors for the same 2019-2020 period. One of the company representatives chosen was Raúl Mesa, Director of Operations for theOCA Global Certification Division. Along with him, representatives of other companies, NGO partners and personal partners were appointed.