Since last August, OCA Global's Photovoltaic Services department has been carrying out tests on a sample of approximately 3,000 photovoltaic modules at the Puerto Real I photovoltaic plant, providing services to the on-site quality department of the company ELMYA. The tests are carried out with the PV Mobile Lab, which has a tunnel-type solar simulator with PASAN flash technology and a line-type electroluminescence machine with MBJ technology. In addition, visual inspections and insulation measurements of the modules are being carried out prior to installation.
Quality control of photovoltaic modules just prior to installation is essential in order to avoid operational and performance problems that may be due to manufacturing or transport defects. Thanks to the tests performed, it is possible to categorize the types of defects, their potential reasons and to execute the consequent contractual responsibilities in the project.
The Puerto Real I photovoltaic plant is located in the municipality of Puerto Real (Cádiz) and is expected to start commercial operations in the first quarter of 2021. It will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by more than 175,000 tons once fully operational, equivalent to the emissions produced by 38,000 passenger vehicles for a year or the electricity to power nearly 30,000 homes for a year.
At OCA Global we remain committed to the development of services in the renewable energy sector and we continue to be involved in large-scale projects that help achieve the CO₂ emission reduction targets set in the Plan Nacional Integrado de Energía y Clima.